RPAH Elimination Diet
This diet is sometimes referred to as the FAILSAFE diet. This is an acronym for “Free of Additives and Low in Salicylates, Amines and Flavour Enhancers”.
This elimination diet aims to determine if certain food chemicals are the cause of physical symptoms - typically digestive issues.
You might be a good candidate for this type of medical nutrition therapy if you:
Had no relief from your IBS symptoms while on a low FODMAP diet
Experience hives, swelling, eczema and/or other general skin irritation
Suffer from headaches and migraines
Have Rhinitis (sinus issues)
We can help you with the RPAH Elimination diet
Provide you with resources that clearly outline the foods that contain certain chemicals and those that don’t
Help you monitor your symptoms to see if the diet is effective
Discover your tolerance levels and thresholds around certain foods so you don’t have to eliminate them altogether
Provide you with recipes and snack ideas so you don’t feel bored with your food options